Lots of things changed over more than 60 years. Granddad Kruitbosch used to lower the bikes down with a hoist and orders were delivered locally by cargo bike. Customers passed on their orders by giving a note to the person who delivered the order. People in the warehouse knew exactly which parts were suitable for what and bike mechanics from all over the area used to come and collect their orders over lunchtime.
These days the bikes are in a renovated warehouse in the Czech Republic and with our logistics partner in the Netherlands. Orders are placed 24/7 from our own warehouse in Zwolle by means of an advanced online system and are collected by means of voice picking. Over those 60 years, Kruitbosch developed into a partner for bicycle specialists in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. Our own bicycle brands Cortina and Alpina are growing rapidly and Kruitbosch supplies thousands of bike parts and accessories. Kruitbosch also advises in the area of communication, advertising resources and on shop layout, including for online shops.