Become a supplier

The future of daily transport in, to and from the city is changing. Journeys are increasingly made by light (e-)means of transport such as bicycles, folding bicycles, scooters or cargo bikes. And we go further than just transporting ourselves, we prefer to transport as much as possible in a healthy, efficient and sustainable way where possible. That's why we're expanding our focus and focusing on more than cycling, namely micromobility.

Let's move forward together

With a range aimed at bicycles and other light means of micromobility, we would like to welcome suitable vehicles, accessories and parts. We like to surround ourselves with the right partners who share the same vision and goals. Should your brand not be missing from our wholesaler PENDLR? Don't keep us waiting any longer and fill out the form below.


Benefits of being a supplier

  • 3000+ committed and reliable bicycle shops in the Netherlands, Belgium (& other countries).
  • Smart, efficient and easy to work with, always a permanent contact person.
  • Tips, advice & help in product presentation, marketing and the right dealer mix.
  • Data and insights for growing your brand.
  • And is your brand in our range? Then we believe 100% in your products.

On to a long-term collaboration. Coffee?

We are curious about who you are and what beautiful products you have in your range. Will you leave your contact details below? We will then contact you as soon as possible to get acquainted. Without charge.